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An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge


Dr Lin Wang is a Research Associate in the team of Henrik Salje at the Department of Genetics. He was a chargé de recherché in the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Disease Unit at the Institute Pasteur (Paris) from 2018/09 to 2020/04, and a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Public Health at The University of Hong Kong from 2014/03 to 2017/12. He has a PhD in Electronic Engineering from Fudan University, MSc and BSc in Physics from Nankai University and Southeast University, respectively. He serves as an editorial board member of BMC Infectious Diseases and BMC Medicine.


My research interests include infectious diseases epidemiology and modeling, Bayesian inference, viral evolution, and systems immunology, with applications to arbovirus (e.g. dengue) and emerging diseases (e.g., pandemic influenza, SARS-CoV-2).

Key Projects, Countries, and Partners: University of Florida, AFRIMS, Thailand Ministry of Public Health


Key publications: 
  1. O’Driscoll, et al. Age-specific mortality and immunity patterns of SARS-CoV-2. Nature 590, 140–145(2021).
  2. ST Ali *, L Wang *, et al. Serial interval of SARS-CoV-2 was shortened over time by nonpharmaceutical interventions. Science 369, 1106-1109 (2020). * = co-first authors
  3. Z Du *, L Wang *, et al. Risk for Transportation of Coronavirus Disease from Wuhan to Other Cities in China. Emerging Infectious Diseases 26, 1049-1052 (2020). * = co-first authors 
  4. L Wang & JT Wu. Characterizing the dynamics underlying global spread of epidemics. Nature Communications 9, 218 (2018)
  5. JB Wang, L Wang & X Li. Identifying spatial invasion of pandemics on metapopulation networks via anatomizing arrival history. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 46, 2782--2795 (2016) 
  6. L Wang & X Li. Spatial epidemiology of networked metapopulation: An overview. Chinese Science Bulletin 59, 3511--3522 (2014)
Research associate, Department of Genetics
Research Associate studying the impact of antigenic and genetic diversity of dengue virus (DENV) on driving DENV's transmission and disease risks.
Dr Lin  Wang
Not available for consultancy


Departments and institutes: 
Person keywords: 
Bayesian Methods
Antigenic Cartography
Mathematical Modelling
Pathogen Evolution
Computational Modelling
Viral pathogenicity