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An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge


I am a virologist. However, my interest is not focused on the viral infection per se, but lies in the biological novelty generated by the virus interphase with the host. Inherently, this outlook leads to insights not just about the virus biology but also regarding the nature of the host. I am a Research Associate, investigating host-viral immunogenetic interplay using the Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV) with human and mouse as models. I also study RNA silencing pathways using the Honeybee and C. elegans as additional models. My work at the University of Cambridge is carried out in Professor Eric Miska's and Professor Jonathan Heeney’s laboratories at the Gurdon Institute and Department of Veterinary Medicine. I obtained a PhD in 2012 from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where I conducted research projects in the fields of newly discovered virus characterisation, non-retroviral RNA virus integration, environmental RNAi biology and virus & pest resistance mechanisms using the Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) and Honeybee as main models.


The RNA interconnection of infection, immunity and gene dynamics


Key publications: 

1.  Dalla Bonna, A.C., Chitolina, R.F., Fermino, M.L., de Castro Poncio, L., Weiss, A., Lima, J.B.P., Paldi, N., Bernandes, E.S., Henen, J., and Maori, E*. Larval application of sodium channel homologous dsRNA restores pyrethroid insecticide susceptibility in a resistant adult mosquito population. Parasit Vectors, 2016. 9: 397. DOI 10.1186/s13071-016-1634-y.

2.  Garbian, Y.*, Maori, E.*, Kalev, H., Shafir, S., and Sela, I., Bi-directional transfer of RNAi between Honey bee and Varroa destructor: Varroa gene silencing reduces Varroa population. PLoS Pathog., 2012. 8: p. e1003035.                                 

* Equal contribution

3.  Mozes-Koch, R., Gover, O., Tanne, O., Peretz, Y., Maori, E., Chernin, L., and Sela I., Expression of an Entire Bacterial Operon in Plants. Plant Physiol., 2012. 158: p. 1883-1892.

4.  Hunter, W., Ellis, J., van-Engelsdorp, D., Hayes, J., Westervelt, D., Glick, E., Williams, M., Sela, I., Maori, E., Pettis, J., Cox-Foster, D., and Paldi, N., Large-scale field application of RNA interference (RNAi) technology to reduce impact of Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) induced disease in honey bees (Apis mellifera, Hymenoptera: Apidae). PLoS Pathog., 2010. 6: p. e1001160.

5.  Maori, E., Paldi, N., Shafir, S., Kalev, H., Tsur, E., Glick, E., and Sela, I., IAPV, a bee-affecting virus associated with Colony Collapse Disorder can be silenced by dsRNA ingestion. Insect. Mol. Biol., 2009. 18: p. 55-60.

6.  Maori, E., Lavi, S., Mozes-Koch, R., Gantman, Y., Peretz, Y., Edelbaum, O., Tanne E., and Sela, I., Isolation and characterization of Israeli acute paralysis virus, a dicistrovirus affecting honeybees in Israel: evidence for diversity due to intra- and inter-species recombination. J. Gen. Virol., 2007. 88: p. 3428-3438.

7.  Maori, E., Tanne, E., and Sela, I., Reciprocal sequence exchange between non-retro viruses and hosts leading to the appearance of new host phenotypes. Virology, 2007. 362: p. 342-349.

Group Leader, Department of Biochemistry
Dr Eyal   Maori

Contact Details

+44 (0) 1223339040
Available for consultancy


Departments and institutes: 
Person keywords: 
Molecular Biology
Antiviral resistance
Host-Pathogen Interaction
Pathogen Evolution
RNA binding proteins