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An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge

Registration and Coffee (8.15 - 9.00)

Introduction (9.00 - 9.10)

Session 1: AMR – new approaches (9.10 - 10.10) – Chair: Prof Andres Floto


Keynote talk: Prof Roy Kishony (Technion- Israel Institute of Technology)

Machine learning algorithms to optimally prescribe antibiotics


Dr Tanmay Bharat (MRC LMB)

Structural cell biology of bacterial biofilm formation


Prof Chris Schofield (University of Oxford)

Connecting Synthetic Chemistry and Clinically Relevant Microbiology

Break + Poster Session I (10.30-11.10)

Session 2: Safer Environments (11.10 - 12.10) – Chair: Prof Andy Woods


Dr Matthew Gandy (Department of Geography) - online

Zoonotic urbanization: multispecies urbanism and the rescaling of urban epidemiology


Dr Ronita Bardhan (Department of Architecture)

Built environment design for the double trouble. - Heat and infectious disease


Prof Shaun Fitzgerald (Department of Engineering)

Infection Resilient Environments

Flash talks (12.10-12.40) – Chair: Prof Julian Parkhill

Lunch (12.40 - 13.40)

Session 3: Vaccinology (13.40 - 14.40) – Chair: Dr Charlotte Houldcroft


Dr Sarah Hughes-McLure (Department of Geography) - online

Innovative finance for global health? Vaccine bonds and the hidden costs of financialisation


Prof Henrik Salje (Department of Genetics)

Understanding Immune responses following infection and vaccination


Prof Caroline Trotter (Department of Pathology)

The role of vaccines in defeating meningitis by 2030

Flash talks (14.40 - 15.10) – Chair: Dr Martin Welch

Break + Poster Session II (15.10 - 15.50)

Session 4: Infectious Diseases and Climate Change (15.50 - 16.50) Chair: Prof Julia Gog


Dr Anna Protasio (Department of Pathology)

Poop-omics! Unravelling the secrets hidden in bird faeces


Dr Romola Davenport (Department of Geography)

Airs, waters and agues: the historical impact of malaria in the Cambridgeshire Fens

Closing + awards (16.30 - 16.45)

Drinks reception (16.45 - 18.00)