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An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge

The ultimate goal of my current focus is to take advantage of the recently described in vitro co-culture model of Treponema pallidum and link its use to high throughput genomic approaches to provide unique insights into the gene expression profiles of this pathogen.

Research Interests: Genomics, transcriptomics, epidemiology, host-pathogen


Key Projects, Countries, and Partners:

  • Epidemiology of leptospirosis (France, Institute Pasteur)
  • Whole genome sequencing directly from clinical samples of syphilis (Switzerland, University of Zurich)
  • Molecular typing of Treponema pallidum (Czech Republic, Masaryk university)
  • Host-pathogen interaction (USA, University of Washington)
Postdoctoral fellow (Marie Currie Sklodowska Action)
Bacterial genomics and evolution group, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Not available for consultancy