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An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge

What I do:

I am now developing a new therapeutic approach and reagents that will enhance complement-mediated microbial killing. These reagents are highly potent recombinant bi-specific antibodies that eradicate bacteria via complement-mediated lysis and phagocytosis. This finding has been filed as a patent entitled “Targeted catalytic complement-activating molecules and methods of use thereof”.

Research Interests:

Role of complement system in immune defense against microbial and viral infection

Key Projects, Countries, and Partners:

I have close contact with the microbiology group at Mansoura University, Egypt. This group is interested innisolation and Identification of Bacteriophage for the treatment of multidrug resistance bacteria.

Senior Research Associate, Department of Veterinary Medicine, U. of Cambridge

Contact Details

Not available for consultancy


Departments and institutes: