Dr. Sippy is interested in disease seasonality, and the relative contributions of climate and non-climate factors in shaping seasons. Non-climate factors can include human behaviours, population immunology, environment, and vector abundance, among others. She principally focuses on dengue virus, as well as other vector-borne illnesses. Dr. Sippy's work involves complex datasets of human, viral, vector and environmental data; she is interested in the spatial scales or contexts in which these factors have the greatest influence on dengue disease and outbreaks.
- ARBODYNAMIC: Long-term dynamics of dengue in Bangkok, Thailand (current). Thailand Ministry of Health, AFRIMS, University of Florida
- Tickborne disease in South America (active). University of Wisconsin-Madison, Washington State University, SUNY-Upstate Medical University, SUNY-ESF
- Epidemiology and predictions of pathogen-specific outbreaks among Ecuadorian children (active). SUNY-Upstate Medical University, Ecuador Ministry of Health
- Environmental factors related to household abundance of Aedes aegypti in epidemic settings (recent past). University of Florida, SUNY-Upstate Medical University, Stanford University
- Novel household interventions for control of Aedes aegypti (recent past). Syracuse University, SUNY-Upstate Medical University, Pontifica Catolica Universidad de Ecuador