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An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge

What do I do?

  • I manage & provide regulatory/governance support for vaccine trials and other clinical research in LMICs.

Key projects:

  • THECA & SETA plus - KNUST, Ghana; INRB, DRC; Antananarivo University, Madagascar; IVI S. Korea (& other Consortium partners)
  • TyVAC - icddr,b, Bangladesh; OUCRU-Nepal, Nepal; MLW, Malawi; University of Maryland, USA; University of Oxford, UK
  • STRATAA - icddr,b, Bangladesh; OUCRU-Nepal, Nepal; OUCRU- Vietnam, Vietnam;
  • MLW, Malawi; University of Melbourne & Monash University, Australia; Yale University, USA; University of Oxford, UK; Dept Medicine, University of Cambridge.
Senior Regulatory & Programme Manager at Department of Medicine
Not available for consultancy


Departments and institutes: