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An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge



 Doctor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Messina, Italy.

 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Department of Pathology and Darwin College, University of Cambridge.

 Doctor of Science (ScD), University of Cambridge.


Past professional history.

  • Chief Scientific Advisor, AchilleS Vaccines, Siena, Italy.
  • Reader in Infection and Immunity, University of Cambridge, UK.
  • Visiting Scientist (Sabbatical Leave) at the Sanger Institute Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge.
  • University Senior Lecturer in Microbiology, University of Cambridge, UK.
  • University Lecturer in Microbiology, University of Cambridge, UK.
  • Research Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London, UK.
  • Visiting Scientist at Institute Pasteur, Paris, France
  • Research Associate at the University of Newcastle, Department of Microbiology, The Medical School, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.


  • Member of Darwin College, Cambridge.
  • Member of the British Society for Immunology (BSI).
  • Member of the Association of Italian Scientists in the UK.
  • Member of the BSI Vaccine Affinity Group.
  • Honorary researcher at the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation.
  • Honorary member of The Cuban Society for Immunology. 

Professional/scientific bodies

  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB).
  • Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology.


Our past research has defined the role of cytokine networks, antibodies, phagocytes, B-cells and T-cells in host resistance to bacterial infections. We have intensively studied  pathogen behaviour (e.g. location, growth, spread in the body, gene regulation) in vivo at the single cell level in relation to immunity, vaccines and antibiotics. This work has revealed key traits and mechanisms of post-therapy microbial persistence and vaccine efficacy/failures. We use interdisciplinary research approaches that integrate information acquired at different levels spanning from individual cells to global systems. This work opens the field to high-impact research on new prevention measures and medical treatments. 

We are also delving into the interactions between the host and the bacterial genome. This work is allowing the selection of new vaccine candidates that would be safer in the developing world where immune-compromise poses challenges to vaccination.  


Teaching and Supervisions


I teach in part I and part II courses in Cambridge and I have taught many specialistic courses overseas. 

I am involved in the organisation and management of teaching in the University.  

I am the Deputy Director of Teaching (Quality assurance, QA), Chair of the Education Quality Improvement Programme (EQIP), Chair of the Student Focus group, member of the Teaching Operation Committee (TOC) and Veterinary Education committee (VEC). 

Research supervision: 

I have decades of experience in teaching postgraduate students and supervising younger researchers in my laboratory. Many of my students have become successful professionals with leadership roles in academia and industry in the UK and overseas.

Department of Veterinary Medicine
Professor of Infection and Immunity
Bacterial pathogenesis, immunology, vaccines and antibiotics.
 Pietro  Mastroeni
Available for consultancy


Departments and institutes: 
Person keywords: 
Host-Pathogen Interaction
Vaccine development
Innate Immunity
Immune Evasion
Gene Regulation