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An Interdisciplinary Research Centre at the University of Cambridge

Enabling innovation and access to health technologies remains a key strategy in combating infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

The traditional approach to tackling infectious diseases of poverty has been a disease-centred one but now, to benefit effectively from innovative products and use the tools needed to beat such diseases, the approach must be systems and people centred. Here at Cambridge our researchers are investing in interdisciplinary collaboration to examine integration of health innovation within national innovation systems and products and tools which are translatable across government sectors and organization levels.

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The Diagnostics Development Unit in the Department of Haematology is focused on developing low cost diagnostic tests for infectious diseases in the developing world.

The Analytical Biotechnology Group in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology aims at understanding how biology can be interfaced with electronic, mechanical and optical systems and the development of new instrumentation or techniques to answer fundamental and applied questions concerning new biological measurement regimes.

Emergency medicine doctor
Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
PhD Student at European Bioinformatics Institute
Dr Stephen  Baker
Department of Medicine, CITIID.
Molecular microbiologist; enteric infections in developing countries with an emphasis on Norovirus, Shigella spp. and Salmonella Typhi.
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering
Associate Professor of Sustainable Built Environment
Postdoctoral Fellow, Parasites and Microbes Programme, Wellcome Sanger Institute
Molecular Microbiology, Bioinformatics, Phylogenetics, Phylodynamics, Molecular/Genomic Epidemiology, Genomic Surveillance. Sexually Transmitted Infections, Neglected Tropical Diseases, Global Health.
Dr Alex  Borodavka
Department of Biochemistry
Molecular mechanisms underpinning RNA-controlled self-assembly of multi-segmented viral genomes.
Viral genome packaging, virus assembly, biomolecular condensates, RNA dynamics and RNA chaperones, rotaviruses.
 Daniel   Buhl
Application of novel mass spectrometry methods for the rapid identification of bacteria and AMR directly from clinical samples
PhD student at Department of Paediatrics
Paediatric intensive care fellow
Professor Lisa  Hall
Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology
Innovation of cheap diagnostics in developing countries.
Professor at Department of Pharmacology
Sheild Chair of Pharmacology
Protein Technologies for Therapeutic and Vaccine Design
Research Assistant, Department of Medicine
Genomics, AMR and rapid diagnostics of enteric pathogens.
 Narender   Kumar
Senior Bioinformatician at Wellcome Sanger Institute
Dr Mara  Lawniczak
Group Leader: Vector-parasite interactions
We use genomic approaches to better understand mosquito populations and parasite transmission dynamics.
Group Leader at European Bioinformatics Institute - EBI EMBL
Senior Clinical Research Associate, Addenbrooke's Hospital
Involved in translational research of infectious disease and development of new diagnostic assays within the NHS.
Postdoctoral Scientist at CRUK Cambridge Institute
Developing molecular diagnostics, including NGS for infectious disease identification and epidemiological studies - particularly healthcare-associated infections.
Deployment of rapid molecular diagnostics in resource-limited settings.
 Chisom   Okponyia
Clinical Research Associate, Eastern Region Public Health Observatory, Institute of Public Health.
A public health professional with 5 years of experience in health care services, global health, data analysis, and research.
Dr Roisin  Owens
University Lecturer, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
I develop in vitro models of the gut-brain axis with integrated electronic monitoring.
Professor Sharon  Peacock
Director, COVID-19 genomics UK Consortium (COG-UK) and Professor of Public Health & Microbiology
 Selma Leulmi  Pichot
Postdoctoral Scientist, Department of Physics
Uses nanomagnetic tools to overcome AMR.
Dr Mansoor  Raza
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience.
Trafficking and processing of bacterial proteins by mammalian cells.
Royal Society sponsored Daphne Jackson Fellow, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, Cambridge
 Gabriel   Rinaldi
Senior Staff Scientist, at Wellcome Sanger Institute
Development of functional genomic approaches for the blood flukes schistosomes, and the study of helminth-associated neoplasms
 Renata  Schaeffer
Assistant Director for Biological Sciences & EU Matters, RO
Research support for School of Biological Sciences and EU funding
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Zoology
What I do: I am developing methodologies to detect, isolate, sequence and match ancient antibodies (degraded immunoglobulin proteins)
Research Interests: Immunology, protein degradation, ancient DNA, palaeoproteomics, infectious diseases
 Dushanth   Seevaratnam
PhD Student, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Local production of cheap and rapid diagnostic tools for the detection of malaria and leptospirosis.
 Richard   Stephens
Research Scientist at PHE Microbiology Addenbrookes
Professor of Viral Immunology, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
I use cutting-edge proteomics to identify and characterise novel aspects of innate antiviral immunity.
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Professor Jeremy  Wells
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Host-microbial interactions, mucosal immunology, bacterial infection and immunity, intestinal-health related research.
PhD Student at CITIID – Department of Medicine
Dr Zenon   Zenonos
Rayner Lab, Wellcome Sanger Institute
Genetic modification of Plasmodium falciparum